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  • Dr. Zheng Xing, a well-known water treatment expert, gave an academic report to the teachers and students of the Water Institute.

    Author:[ ]  Article Source: [ ] Release Time:[ 2014-10-16 ]  hit count:[ ]

    At 10:00 am on October 16, 2014, Dr. Zheng Xing, a well-known water treatment expert, gave a wonderful academic report to the teachers and students of the Water Institute in the Environmental Science Report Hall on the third floor of the Discipline Building of Jinhua Campus. The report titled “Second Shenchi Pool” Research on ultrafiltration membrane pollution, Li Zhanbin, dean of the School of Water Resources and Hydropower, Professor Huang Qiang, leader of hydrology and water resources, and teachers such as Cheng Wen and Liu Yuling, as well as graduate students who participated in the lectures attended the report.
      Dr. Zheng Xing mainly explained the related research contents of the pretreatment of the secondary sedimentation tank effluent treatment and seawater desalination reverse osmosis, including the changes of the molecular weight distribution of raw water by different pretreatment methods, and the changes of membrane pore size and membrane pore density by different pretreatment methods. Influence, through the explanation to make everyone realize that ultrafiltration membrane has broad application prospects in wastewater treatment, and the new ultrafiltration membrane water treatment also provides reference for the application of new pollution-resistant water treatment membrane, providing a new frontier of water treatment science. Inspire and think.

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