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  • Representative Research Results 6 - Research and Application of Water Environment Carrying Capacity in Resource-Based Water-Deficit Areas

    1 Major scientific and technological innovation contributions

    (1) The concept of water environment carrying capacity defined by threshold is improved, and the bearing medium, bearing object and influencing factors of water environment carrying capacity are clarified.

    (2) Established feedback links between water environment, water ecology and social economy and management activities, and further optimized and improved the water environment carrying capacity evaluation index system.

    (3) For the typical rivers, lakes and cities in the resource-deficient areas of the three types of climate zones in China's arid, semi-arid and sub-humid areas, the study of water environment carrying capacity was carried out. A mature research system for water environment carrying capacity in resource-deficient areas has been formed.

    (4) The Envsim SD model software which can be embedded in the river dynamics model software and GIS platform is developed, which provides a powerful means for the study of watershed environmental carrying capacity.

    2 Results application

    (1) The project results provide an operational regulation strategy for the management of Bosten Lake Basin, which has a practical support for the environmental health and sustainable development of Bosten Lake.

    (2) The project results provide a scientific reference and basis for the healthy and sustainable development of the ecological environment of the Yarkant River Basin, and have important and far-reaching significance for the development of the local economy.

    (3) proposed the adjustment proposal for the development plan of the Weihe River Basin. The research results have been adopted by the Dashui Network Planning and Yellow River Diversion Project of Shanxi Province, which has produced good social and economic benefits.

    (4) It will effectively curb the water environment pollution in Yulin City, realize the coordinated and sustainable development of the ecological environment and economy, and play a role in demonstrating and promoting the ecological environment construction of the resource-poor watershed in the northwest.

    (5) The research results have been adopted by the Shaanxi Luhe River Comprehensive Treatment Project and are of great significance to the sustainable development of the social economy in Guanzhong, Shaanxi Province.


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